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Night Owl's Shareware - PDSI-004-1 - Wayzata Technology (1990).iso
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File List
75.8 KB
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Windows Applications
Location of files 017A
1013ICO.ZIP 463350 11-06-90 Over 400 icons for windows 3.0
1700ICO.ZIP 360061 01-29-91 1700 icons for Windows
30TETRIS.ZIP 20209 03-24-90 Tetris for Windows 3.0
30WPPI.ZIP 441 06-12-90 Word Perfect PIF
386CHIP.ZIP 129239 12-20-90 Intel 80386 BMP
3D.ZIP 11785 02-05-91 Improve the look of your buttons in Windows
3DBUTTON.ZIP 25801 07-28-90 3 Dimensional buttons for Toolbook
4FONTS1.ZIP 154648 01-05-91 WIN 3 : More Fonts for ATM or Superprint
678WIN3.ZIP 156288 08-16-90 Device Drivers for Windows
AACHEN.ZIP 56935 07-31-91 Fonts for ms windows.
ABOUT.ZIP 7379 07-19-90 Help with the about box in Windows
ACCOUNT.ZIP 3698 08-12-90 Accounting program for Windows
ACTIVE_1.ZIP 226305 09-15-89 A window based scheduler 1/2
ACTORTUT.ZIP 30238 10-18-90 WIN 3 : Object Oriented Programming
| Tutorial Introduction to the Actor Prog.
| Language
ADDRBK.ZIP 11808 04-10-90 Address book for use with X-talk
ADIAL.ZIP 1369 07-19-90 WIN 3 : Crosstalk for Windows Autodialer
ADJUTNT1.ZIP 37208 02-01-91 ATM font - similar to Courier
ADLIB.ZIP 66736 01-21-91 ADLIB card drivers for Windows 3.0
ADON.ZIP 289508 10-15-90 WIN 3 : Adonis Clipart Shopper
AFONT.ZIP 85091 12-31-90 Screen Font for Ventura and Corel Draw
AFORCE.ZIP 15699 11-09-90 WIN 3 : New Arcade style game for
| Windows
AHEAD_W3.ZIP 264876 12-05-90 WIN 3 : Ahead VGA Wizard Drivers & Utils
ALBM14.ZIP 69035 02-07-91 Toolbook app. to create and maintain
| album collections
ALM095.ZIP 152716 07-17-90 A windows 3.0 almanac program.
ALM103.ZIP 147942 12-30-90 ALMANAC for Windows 3.0 - Latest version of
| full-featured calander application for WIN3.
ALM104.ZIP 148821 01-18-91 Almanac 1.04, A great PIM for Windows
ALM1_1.ZIP 145460 10-17-90 Almanac Version 1.1 for Windows 3.0
ALTKEY1.ZIP 1833 02-24-91 This toolbook shows you how to send <ALT>
| key to windows through openscript
ALWIN15.ZIP 173169 01-05-91 WIN 3 : Active Life 1.5 Personal Info.
| Manager.
AMIMACRO.ZIP 10391 06-13-90 WIN 3 : AMI Prof. Packrat & Bibliograph
| Macros
AMIPRO.ZIP 12487 06-24-89 Demo of Ami Professional
ANIMAXXD.ZIP 91843 02-15-91 Demo / Press Release of ANIMAXX Animator
| for Windows 3.0. Use BMP files to create
| a animation / slide show.
APDOCS.ZIP 64701 10-14-90 Docs for Aporia
APE.ZIP 60350 07-09-90 A BMP of Cols Oh most famous resident. I
| don't mean Woody Hayes either.
APOR14B.ZIP 149120 10-23-90 WIN 3 : Aporia version 1.4
APORICON.ZIP 25511 08-27-90 WIN 3 : Icon for Aporia 14
APPLES.ZIP 63646 11-23-90 .BMP of Apple Logo
APXINFO.ZIP 3157 03-19-89 Multitasking w/windows vrs m_link, etal
ARCODEMO.ZIP 9377 10-03-90 Toolbook app to demonstrate the use of DDE
ARRAYS.ZIP 6554 06-29-90 WIN 3 : Don Barnes Array Tutorial
ASTRON.ZIP 36742 06-11-90 WIN 3 : stars wallpaper.
AT.ZIP 18005 01-14-91 Application Timer, launch programs at a
| preset time.
ATIW32.ZIP 163972 11-01-90 ATI drivers-800x600x256,640x480x256, etc.
ATIW3256.ZIP 163968 11-06-90 SVGA driver for Windows 3.0 (ATI card)
ATIW3DRV.ZIP 190196 02-26-91 New Set of ATI drivers direct from the
| ATI BBS. Fixes problem of going to DOS
| full screen graphics programs.
ATIWIN.ZIP 94628 06-20-90 WIN 3 : ATI DRIVERS.
ATIWIN3.ZIP 94628 06-20-90 ATI Driver for WINDOWS 3
ATMARIST.ZIP 58957 02-02-91 ATM font
ATMBRUSH.ZIP 65496 02-02-91 ATM font
ATMFIX.ZIP 4412 11-12-90 Adobe Type Manager Fix
ATMFNTS1.ZIP 306146 01-14-91 PS Fonts for ATM - 1/7
ATMFNTS2.ZIP 439177 01-14-91 2/7
ATMFNTS3.ZIP 361738 01-14-91 3/7
ATMFNTS4.ZIP 372916 01-14-91 4/7
ATMFNTS5.ZIP 371843 01-14-91 5/7
ATMFNTS6.ZIP 417649 01-14-91 6/7
ATMFNTS7.ZIP 557189 01-14-91 7/7
ATMFON.ZIP 151813 12-16-90 A collection of ATM fonts from CIS
ATMOID.ZIP 8852 07-19-90 WIN 3 : astroids game
ATTAXX.ZIP 10580 02-07-91 Othello type game for Windows
AUTOD3.ZIP 3388 01-12-91 Another auto dialer for Xtalk for Windows
AUTODI.ZIP 7725 08-29-90 WIN 3 : Crosstalk for Windows Autodialer
BANGBANG.ZIP 35530 10-19-90 WIN 3 : Artillary Game
BARS.ZIP 455 09-13-90 WIN 3 : jail bars wallpaper
BART.ZIP 2913 02-10-91 WIN 3 : bart simpson "say no to drugs"
| .BMP
BARTEYES.ZIP 12940 01-30-91 Bart Simpson eyes that follow your cursor
BASWIND8.ZIP 188909 09-14-90 Basic windows tool
BATEMA.ZIP 198691 10-31-90 Windows 800x600 bmp of Robt. Bateman
| painting of cardinal on cherry
| tree.
BBDDEMO1.ZIP 286176 08-13-90 WIN 3 : Accounting by Design Demo 1/2
BBDDEMO2.ZIP 37437 08-13-90 WIN 3 : Accounting by Design Demo 2/2
BBLCRD01.ZIP 8529 10-14-90 WIN 3 : Card File of Bible Text
BBLCRD02.ZIP 6528 10-17-90 WIN 3 : Bible Card File # 2
BCKMN135.ZIP 22388 02-06-91 Back Menu v1.35 - User Configuable Menu
BENG_BLD.ZIP 17596 03-28-90 Outline font for Pub Type Foundry & Pbrush
BG06.ZIP 22562 12-23-90 WIN 3 : Update to Back Gammon. Now in Color
BIGDESK.ZIP 11238 02-22-91 A very large .BMP, works well with HiREZ
BILLWP.ZIP 1694 02-13-91 Bill the Cat .BMP
BIORTH.ZIP 18287 07-03-90 WIN 3 : do your biorythms
BITMAP.ZIP 59962 01-02-90 Toolbook Bitmap utilities
BIZCLIP.ZIP 92107 02-11-90 25 PCX symbols for icon, wallpaper and DTP
BIZ_NIX.ZIP 527967 10-23-90 A windows accounting program.
BLACKOUT.ZIP 29205 03-17-91 A mouse practice type game
BLANK.ZIP 6423 02-14-91 Freeware Screen Blanker
BMPPLANE.ZIP 4695 05-28-90 WIN 3 : .bmp of wwii bi-planes
BOARD.ZIP 349 08-01-90 WIN 3 : pif to run pcboard
BOOKLT.ZIP 171752 11-04-90 Assortment of toolbook apps
BOOKLT01.ZIP 170754 10-10-90 More toolbook apps
BOOKLT02.ZIP 203266 12-10-90 Holiday booklets distibution for toolbook
BOXPLO.ZIP 27815 09-08-90 Win 3.0 Loudspeaker design & stats
BRICK.ZIP 430 06-01-90 WIN 3 : brick background
BRIDGE20.ZIP 280126 05-13-90 WIN 3 : Bridge 2.0 Demo, The bridge for
| DOS and Windows applications.
BROW31.ZIP 47299 01-17-89 Wilson windowware browser v3.1
BROWSE16.ZIP 34184 01-27-88 Ms windows app. view files in ascii hex
BROWSR32.ZIP 47398 03-27-89 Latest browser 3.2 windows file viewer
BUCKY.ZIP 6846 06-04-90 WIN 3 : .bmp of wisconsin mascot
CAL1990S.ZIP 11015 07-28-90 WIN 3 : calendar .bmp, 800x600
CAL1991.ZIP 41638 11-24-90 Calendar for 1991 for Windows
CALEND.ZIP 128360 10-01-90 WIN 3 : Calendar Program
CALENDR.ZIP 11468 11-18-89 WIN 3 : Calender Program
CALIGULA.ZIP 29912 11-14-90 Caligula, a calligraphic font for use
| with ATM for Windows.
CALLBACK.ZIP 6302 11-15-90 Toolbook DLL to sense if the Toolbook
| window has been resized or moved
CALVIN.ZIP 108681 03-02-91 Calvin and Hobbes Window's wallpaper (.BMP)
CANDLE.ZIP 35061 08-31-90 WIN 3 : File Search & Codesearch
CARDCO.ZIP 6726 11-03-90 Converts .CRD files to ASCII
CAR_RUN.ZIP 1271 06-17-90 WIN 3 : automotive and athletic wallpaper
CASCADE.ZIP 32274 01-25-91 Type 1 PS Font for ATM/Superprint
CASCADEW.ZIP 13803 01-06-91 .WFN font for Corel Draw
CASELIN3.ZIP 22475 09-23-90 WIN 3 : Audio cassette case liner
CASLN.ZIP 20783 03-28-90 Outline font for Pub Type Foundry & Pbrush
CASLNBI.ZIP 19149 03-28-90 Outline font for Pub Type Foundry & Pbrush
CASLN_B.ZIP 18972 03-28-90 Outline font for Pub Type Foundry & Pbrush
CBDEMO.ZIP 26511 01-18-91 SQL Windows Combobox DLL Demo App
CCWINDEM.ZIP 531484 02-25-91 CC:Mail's new Post Office Pack Demo
CELTICS.ZIP 67834 11-16-90 Celtics Logo in .BMP format
CENTOLD.ZIP 17164 03-28-90 Outline font for Pub Type Foundry & Pbrush
CENTOLDB.ZIP 17321 03-28-90 Outline font for Pub Type Foundry & Pbrush
CENTOLDI.ZIP 17474 03-28-90 Outline font for Pub Type Foundry & Pbrush
CENT_B.ZIP 18066 03-28-90 Outline font for Pub Type Foundry & Pbrush
CENT_I.ZIP 17562 03-28-90 Outline font for Pub Type Foundry & Pbrush
CHAIN2.ZIP 30924 10-28-90 Connects DOS to WIN3 apps
CHAOS.ZIP 17201 06-04-90 WIN 3 : Example of fractals under windows
| source code included
CHCUR101.ZIP 15068 01-29-91 Allows you to hide cursor, move cursor to
| center of screen in windows. Version 1.01
CHECKERS.ZIP 16600 08-02-90 Win 3 : nice checkers game.
CHEETAH.ZIP 114462 04-05-89 Cheetah BMP
CHEM.ZIP 21733 12-09-90 A new Periodic Table of Elements
CHESS101.ZIP 56323 09-23-90 A gnu chess game for windows v3.0. it
CHESSEXE.ZIP 50563 08-26-90 Chess game for Windows 3.0
CHGCRS10.ZIP 27356 11-30-90 Windows 3.0 utility to change the shape
| of the mouse cursor. load, edit or design
CHGCUR10.ZIP 27356 11-30-90 WIN 3 : Design you own cursor
CHITOWN.ZIP 28436 12-22-90 ATM font - Chi Town
CISWIN30.ZIP 59001 05-25-90 WIN 3 : messages from the cis windows
| conf.
CIS_WIN.ZIP 8058 02-03-89 WINDOWS: transcript of compuserve
| windows sdk conference
CITYLARG.ZIP 308438 07-02-90 WIN 3 : Wallpaper of Boston
CKBOOK66.ZIP 71722 12-05-90 Check Book Version 66
CKERMIT.ZIP 48324 10-27-90 Sliding Windows Kermit Program for W3,
| a 3270 emulation
CLEAN76.ZIP 73935 04-08-91 McAfee's virus remover v. 7.2V76
CLEANUP.ZIP 25265 01-05-91 Clean up files & directories in Win 3.0
CLICK1.ZIP 48951 11-05-90 Combo file mgr/Zip interface for Win3
CLICK115.ZIP 49674 11-05-90 Latest release of Click!Filer for Windows 3.0
CLICK11B.ZIP 49210 11-10-90 Click!Filer 1.1b. Update to this
CLIPART.ZIP 19734 04-20-86 Clipart_ use within windows environment
CLIPBOOK.ZIP 64513 11-03-90 Toolbook clipart book
CLIP_ART.ZIP 19661 04-20-86 MS Windows: cardfile clip art.
CLOISTER.ZIP 37258 01-25-91 Type 1 PS Font for ATM/Superprint
CLOISWFN.ZIP 16462 06-28-90 .WFN font for Corel Draw
CLOWN.ZIP 99602 11-09-90 A BMP of a Clowns face, Excellent
| resolution.
CLPWIN2.ZIP 195618 02-04-91 Windows Clipart
CLPWIN3.ZIP 144993 02-04-91 Windows Clipart
CLPWIN4.ZIP 234286 02-10-91 Windows Clipart
CLPWIN5.ZIP 189700 02-10-91 Windows Clipart
CLPWIN6.ZIP 264569 02-10-91 Windows Clipart
CLPWIN7.ZIP 188429 02-10-91 Windows Clipart
CLPWIN8.ZIP 167589 02-11-91 Windows Clipart
CMDLINE.ZIP 16643 09-17-90 WIN 3 : Run programs that need cmd line agrs
CMDPST62.ZIP 270715 06-26-89 Lat. ver. command post browser applets
COBOLM.ZIP 2103 09-13-90 Nostalgic wallpaper for ex-mainframers
COMBUS10.ZIP 75419 08-19-90 Windows Software Card List
COMICB.ZIP 5929 01-16-91 Comic Base 1.0 - A comic book cataloger
| for toolbook
COMM.ZIP 22699 09-04-90 A toolbook simple comm program
COMMAND.ZIP 4469 10-18-90 A "Better" command window for Toolbook
COMPROG.ZIP 22337 05-15-89 Windows Comm Program.
COMPTR.ZIP 4575 01-26-91 RLE file of a computer that can be used
| as a replacement startup screen for Windows
CONMAN.ZIP 7920 12-05-90 Lan Connection Manager for Windows 3.0
CONTROL.ZIP 847 06-01-90 WIN 3 : a different control.ini setup
COOKIE.ZIP 22932 01-15-91 Program to generate sayings or pearls of
| wisdom.
COOLCAT.ZIP 10915 07-05-90 WIN 3 : garfield .bmp background
COPYIT12.ZIP 28616 01-27-91 Copyit is a file management program that
| will let you copy, delete, rename, move,
| and many other functions.
COREL20.ZIP 1467 11-20-90 Win 3 : text on Corel Draw 2.0
CORLDRW1.ZIP 80889 04-23-90 Some nice Corel Draw 2.0 clipart
CORNELL.ZIP 2823 08-16-90 Cornell Logo BMP
CPI.ZIP 137159 08-13-90 WIN 3 : ImagePrep Demo Program.
CPMENU.ZIP 2895 01-31-91 Enhancements for menus of Command Post
| v7.0
CPPWIN10.ZIP 33762 01-11-91 Zortech C++/Windows 3 Class Library
CPUUSE.ZIP 6208 12-16-90 Monitor your CPU usage
CPUUSE12.ZIP 6208 12-16-90 WIN 3 : Show CPU usage
CP_68M.ZIP 65471 02-13-90 A set of disk utilities (like norton) for
| windows
CRANE.ZIP 35786 03-30-90 WIN 3 : Animation program with source
CRAYON.ZIP 14380 01-28-90 WIN 3 : For Arts & Letters 3.0, color
| pallette guide
CTRYSCH1.ZIP 173679 01-02-91 Country School Fonts for ATM
CURSOR_3.ZIP 6834 06-16-90 WIN 3 : change the arrow and hourglass
CUSBUT10.ZIP 2705 06-19-90 Customize buttons in windows 3.0
CUSTCL.ZIP 127565 11-03-90 Customize windows 3 toolbook displays to use
| 256 colors
CWICONZ2.ZIP 42506 08-20-90 A very nice set of about 50 icons for MS
| Windows 3.0. Already set up in .GRP file
| So you can display them.
CXLXPLOD.ZIP 4757 06-12-89 WIN 3 : program to explode windows
CYCLE.ZIP 6189 09-06-90 WIN 3 : Cycle windows w/ mouse button
DARKWALL.ZIP 6594 08-05-90 WIN 3 : bmp from the darkside of the moon
DAYBOOK.ZIP 133628 08-14-90 WIN 3 : ver 1.0a, bugs fixed for toolbook
DAYGOLD.ZIP 64304 12-03-90 WIN 3 : Daily Gold - Bible quotes, ques,cal
DB11US.ZIP 25467 11-12-90 Read Dbase files in Windows
DBMERGE.ZIP 6557 06-05-90 Daybook to Winword import and mail merge tool
DC110.ZIP 25531 01-18-91 Diskcopy Utility for Windows
DDEWATCH.ZIP 21692 04-03-90 Program to allow you to monitor DDE
DELEGAT1.ZIP 37299 02-01-91 ATM font - also similar to Courier
DEMDAT.ZIP 643897 06-01-90 WIN 3 : Demo of Super Base 4 3/3
DEMOP1.ZIP 535572 11-08-90 Demo of Logitech Ansel graphics editing
| program file 1 of 3
DESKTO.ZIP 138961 06-20-90 WIN 3 : Alternative to Phonebook & Dialer
DFLAT.ZIP 105303 04-19-91 Al Stevens DFLAT SAA/CUA C window library
| with memopad multiwindow editor from his DDJ
| may 1991 column. this is the may incremental
| release of the complete source. Hot stuff
DH06.ZIP 17555 02-08-91 Desktop Helper version 0.6
DIALERS.ZIP 24536 10-23-90 Toolbook dialer addition to daybook
DIALRM20.ZIP 24021 05-19-90 WIN 3 : dialer 2.0
DICE11.ZIP 29803 07-20-90 Dice 1.1 - Windows 3.0 program rolls dice.
| Lots of options, great for games or studying
| statistics and probability.
DIEGO1.ZIP 50770 12-22-90 ATM font - Diego
DIGITAL.ZIP 16917 09-19-90 A digital clock and calandar for windows 3.0
DIGITL.ZIP 16917 09-19-90 WIN 3 : Show time, date, free memory and
| free disk space.
DINAHBMP.ZIP 90436 07-11-90 WIN 3 : nude background. really nice.
DIRSIZ.ZIP 17639 02-10-91 Directory Sizer 1.2 - A toolbook app. to
| list size or directories on hard disk.
DISCPOWR.ZIP 26527 11-18-90 WIN 3 : Disk Police, program to search
| for disk space hogs on Networks
DISKFREE.ZIP 16769 04-15-90 WIN 3 : free disk space icon
DISOLVE.ZIP 22703 06-21-90 WIN 3 : Example of how to create a custom
| control for the dialog editor
DISTINCT.ZIP 319480 11-22-90 Demo of Distinct Back-up for Windows 3.0
| Limited to 50 files or 1 meg of data.
DIVELG11.ZIP 38760 10-24-90 Divers Log Book
DJWIN3.ZIP 149076 10-29-90 WIN 3 : Desk Jet Drivers
DLCHK11.ZIP 8913 03-12-91 Automate the checking of downloaded files for
| computer virus.
DLGPATCH.ZIP 903 11-20-90 WIN 3 : Dialog Patch
DMDRIVER.ZIP 1382 06-24-90 WIN 3 : official solution to stop hang of
| windows when using disk manager
DNBETA.ZIP 92876 10-10-90 WIN 3 : Metz Desktop Navigator
DOORWAY.ZIP 6213 12-05-90 Win 3, fast exit to DOS
DOSWIN2.ZIP 213384 05-22-90 Novell's new DOS client kit, new IPX,
| NET3/4
DRAGON.ZIP 71303 06-07-90 WIN 3 : background of two drogons.
DRAGON1.ZIP 30935 06-20-90 A BMP of man riding Dragon, This is a
| must have for the graphically oriented.
DRX100.ZIP 37732 01-11-91 DirX: Windowed dir of executables
| compr/uncmpr .EXE/.COM
DSKNAV24.ZIP 59333 05-19-90 Windows 3 utility package, Disk Navigator
| 2.4. This program tells you everything about
| your files and offers many features,
| including a screen saver.
DSWIN0.ZIP 3834 06-05-90 Description of dswin1 - dswin4 novell client
DSWIN1.ZIP 242840 05-22-90 WIN 3 : novell client interface - 1 of 4
DSWIN2.ZIP 213365 05-22-90 WIN 3 : novell client interface - 2 of 4
DSWIN3.ZIP 430254 05-22-90 WIN 3 : novell client interface - 3 of 4
DSWIN4.ZIP 347823 05-22-90 WIN 3 : novell client interface - 4 of 4
DT30.ZIP 71874 05-20-90 WIN 3 : desktools
DTPCL2.ZIP 16875 01-08-91 Desktop calender for Corel Draw 2.0
DUMPICON.ZIP 35784 08-14-90 WIN 3 : Print your icons to HP Laserjet
DVIMSWIN.ZIP 36321 11-26-89 WIN : TeX previewer
D_TRACY.ZIP 20411 06-06-90 WIN 3 : dick tracy .bmp
EAGLEBMP.ZIP 53721 02-20-91 Eagle BMP
EARTH.ZIP 75451 06-08-90 WIN 3 : .bmp picture of earth.
EASEL310.ZIP 36151 08-30-88 Graphics conversion utility for ms_windows
EASEL41E.ZIP 97096 08-01-90 WIN 3 : gif, pcx, bmp viewer.
EASYBA.ZIP 1996 07-27-90 WIN 3 : easy backup program for windows
ELANA.ZIP 63025 03-10-91 Utility to change your Windows config.
ELEMENT3.ZIP 18181 02-16-91 Update to the Perodic Table of Elements
EMAG10.ZIP 21457 01-02-91 Electronic Magazine from Microsoft
EMAILDEM.ZIP 272749 07-31-90 WIN 3 : davinci email demo
ENGRAVRL.ZIP 29292 01-04-91 Engraver font for ATM/Superprint
ENUMW.ZIP 12664 10-17-90 Enumerate Text Files
ENVR30.ZIP 26927 10-23-90 WIN 3 : Print Envelops - Word for Windows
EWTDEBUG.ZIP 15536 12-04-90 WIN 3 : Windows Debugging tool
EXCEL30.ZIP 4905 01-10-91 Info on the new Excel 3.0
EXCEL3A.EXE 1062034 03-06-91 Microsoft Excel 3.0 working model (1 of 2).
EXCEL3B.EXE 1107639 03-06-91 Microsoft Excel 3.0 working model (2 of 2).
EXCFINMD.ZIP 23574 05-16-90 Music worksheets for Excel
EXEC_PC.ZIP 1365 02-14-91 EXEC-PC XWP for Crosstalk for Windows
EXTRA1.ZIP 286429 05-18-90 Demo of Attachmate's Extra!
EXTRADEM.ZIP 286429 05-18-90 WIN 3 : extra demo ( 3270 comm program )
EYEC30.ZIP 4524 07-17-90 Moving eye icon...eyes follow pointer
Location of files 017B
F16HUD2.ZIP 5923 06-18-90 WIN 3 : falcon at .bmp
F16HUD3.ZIP 5263 06-18-90 WIN 3 : falcon at .bmp
FAXITDEM.ZIP 183581 04-03-90 MS Windows: fax it demo
FEM.ZIP 36979 07-24-90 Front End Manager for Toolbook
FIDODIDO.ZIP 9604 11-03-90 Corel Draw Picture of Fido Dido
FILEFI33.ZIP 88511 01-11-91 File Finder for Windows 3
FILEMA.ZIP 27356 01-11-91 File Manager replacement for Windows
FILESAVE.ZIP 7550 02-05-91 WIN3 windows save file
FILESRCH.ZIP 10994 10-22-90 File Finder for Windows
FILETOOL.ZIP 13554 10-30-90 Another File utility
FILEVIEW.ZIP 63762 09-30-90 File Viewer for Windows - HEX/DEC
FILTER.ZIP 8084 11-07-90 WIN 3 : Filters Table & Excel Worksheet
| Tutorial
FIRE54.ZIP 19440 02-17-91 A screen blanker that shoots fireworks
FIREWORK.ZIP 31248 06-26-90 WIN 3 : Fireworks Screen Blanker
FISH3.ZIP 9901 03-05-90 WIN 3 : fish for 3.0
FLASHE.ZIP 7525 06-30-90 Stroboscope (needs windows)
FLIPBAT.ZIP 1199 05-29-90 WIN 3 : Chris Kinsman's Flipbat file.
FLIPPER.ZIP 36418 06-11-89 WIN 3 : changes portrait to landscape
FLOWSYM.ZIP 13282 03-23-90 WIN 3 : Metafile Flowchart Symbols
FMSOUN.ZIP 66736 01-21-91 Win3 FM sound driver-Uses Ad Lib or Sound
| Blaster cards
FNTFIG.ZIP 14281 10-11-89 Font demo program, raster & vector
FOLDER.ZIP 54985 04-29-91 Win 3.0 allows multi group folders
FOLDER21.ZIP 54836 02-07-91 Prog. Manager Enhancer. Allows you to add
| groups inside groups.
FORTRAN.ZIP 11668 08-13-90 WIN 3 : Fortran Macros for WFW.
FP104.ZIP 79739 01-27-91 Fractal Paint 1.04
FPROT114.EXE 242688 03-28-91 Program desinged to protect you from viruses
FREEM410.ZIP 13260 02-24-91 Display free memory in your computer,Metz
FSHLD14.ZIP 33791 08-27-90 A virus protection program
FSP_151.ZIP 57341 04-29-91 Flu_Shot v1.5 a form of virus/trojan
| protection.
FSRCH.ZIP 6809 10-22-90 WIN 3 : Another File Search program
FUN102.ZIP 27296 06-14-90 WIN 3 : Fun Little Programs for Windows
FWITHCD.ZIP 11578 05-30-90 WIN 3 : Fun with Corel Draw
GADGET.ZIP 7158 07-21-90 WIN 3 : Tool Book Examples
GADING.ZIP 11884 12-21-90 WinWord Macro for inserting special
| characters and dingbats
GARMND1.ZIP 44766 01-05-91 Another Font for ATM.
GCP42S.ZIP 40114 04-29-91 Utility to display/convert/manipulate
| various format picture files in MS Windows
GCP42SW.ZIP 39958 06-17-89 Gif viewer for windows. also reads and
| writes pcx, mac, and other formats. nice
GETBITMP.ZIP 14913 01-05-88 Ms windows ap reside bitmaps _ file 'em
GGPE22.ZIP 6038 09-22-90 Macro for WFW
GGPR11.ZIP 3795 09-22-90 Macro to Print Envelopes (WFW)
GHOST1.ZIP 6808 09-25-88 MS Windows: ghost bitmap.
GIF2ICON.ZIP 11295 07-28-90 WIN 3 : convert .gif's to icons.
GLOBEXL.ZIP 45279 07-22-90 WIN 3 : LEX Systems GlobeXL Object
| Manager for Excel.
| library. good.
GORGEOUS.ZIP 125852 12-02-90 Begin your Windows session with....
GOUDY.ZIP 162651 01-05-91 Goudy oldstyle, bold, & italic font for
| ATM/Superprint
GPSENV.ZIP 7359 01-28-91 A envelope printing macro for Word for
| Windows
GQMAIL.ZIP 3780 12-09-90 Crosstalk Script for automating mail
| transfers using either Mark Mail or Qmail.
| If Qmail extended prompts should be set to o
GRABIT.ZIP 37511 01-22-91 Screen Grabber from Moonvalley software.
GRAFPLUS.ZIP 287479 04-18-89 MS Windows: graphplus demo for windows
GRAFWK50.ZIP 294834 01-19-91 Converts between several file formats.
| WIN 3 BMP'S and more!
GRALIG.ZIP 28549 11-19-90 WIN 3 : Font for ATM or Superprint
GRAYBUTT.ZIP 2796 07-17-90 WIN 3 : Customizable Radio Button
GRMNDBI.ZIP 20862 03-28-90 Outline font for Pub Type Foundry & Pbrush
GRMND_B.ZIP 22598 03-28-90 Outline font for Pub Type Foundry & Pbrush
GRMND_I.ZIP 20505 03-28-90 Outline font for Pub Type Foundry & Pbrush
GRMTK.ZIP 3943 10-01-90 WIN 3 : Word for Windows Grammatik macro
GROUPB.ZIP 19478 06-23-90 WIN 3 : more groups for windows
GROUPS.ZIP 19478 06-23-90 WIN 3 : program group builder
GRPICO.ZIP 2799 10-01-90 WIN 3 : Change your Group Icons
GTOOLS.ZIP 30665 09-28-90 WFW macros. Templates, self documenting,
| installing, containing several useful macros
| includes simple toggles & complex envelope
| macro.
GTOYS.ZIP 40128 10-26-90 WIN 3 : Fractal program for Windows
GUITAR.ZIP 12084 07-23-90 WIN 3 : fretboard map of all notes in a scale
HAND.ZIP 4624 01-27-91 RLE file of a hand with diskette. Can be
| used as replacement or startup screen
| of Windows.
HANOI.ZIP 6319 02-07-89 A chinese game for windows.
HEIDELBE.ZIP 37631 12-22-90 ATM font - Heidelberg
HEXCALC.ZIP 7107 03-30-88 Hexadecimal calculator for ms windows
HEXTRIS.ZIP 8104 10-25-90 A new form of Tetris using HEX blocks
HIGHMEM.ZIP 1965 06-03-90 Info on loading TSR's into high memory
HIHME.ZIP 1965 06-03-90 WIN 3 : high memory information
HIMSWMAN.ZIP 109999 01-03-89 Him.arc doc file
HOP.ZIP 4574 07-26-90 A new game that will you nuts.
HOST2.ZIP 6373 01-03-91 Crosstalk host mode script. New version
HOTPOP.ZIP 16909 02-22-91 Start apps or assoc files from hot menu
HOTWIN.ZIP 28315 03-11-91 Hot Keys to pop up Windows
HOTWORDS.ZIP 12441 10-26-90 How to make Toolbook "Hot Words" on the fly
HOWRDFAT.ZIP 28162 01-25-91 Type 1 PS Font for ATM/Superprint
HOWRDWFN.ZIP 17721 05-06-90 .WFN font for Corel Draw
HPCALC.ZIP 18936 10-25-90 Ws windows app. scientific hex calculat
HPCALC2.ZIP 18936 10-25-90 WIN 3 : Very nice Hewlett Packard calculator
HPIIIDRV.ZIP 267787 01-22-91 New drivers for the HPIII and HPIIID
HREZWIN3.ZIP 217153 12-07-90 Windows 3.0 drivers for CompuADDS VGA card
HUNTER19.ZIP 24993 08-09-90 WIN 3 : File Hunter version 1.9
HUNTGREP.ZIP 24087 08-09-90 WIN 3 : Hunter 2.3 Grep Utility
HWRDLITE.ZIP 28398 01-25-91 Type 1 PS Font for ATM/Superprint
HYDK420.ZIP 236844 02-04-91 Hyperdisk 4.20, disk cache that is faster
HYFINA.ZIP 150988 08-12-90 High Finance, a personal finance program
HYODA.ZIP 202702 01-30-91 Another Picture of Yoda
HYPLK2.ZIP 11417 10-16-90 Hyper Link to win SDK from Windows Editor
IBM_HATE.ZIP 7792 12-24-90 BMP for IBM haters
ICMN10.ZIP 56102 04-29-91 Icons for windows used for printer,Laserjet
ICNDL2.ZIP 9117 02-03-91 DOS program to create a Dynamic Link Library
| of Icons without the SDK.
ICOMB1.ZIP 16627 07-16-90 WIN 3 : view 50 icons at the same time
ICON1074.ZIP 352304 11-06-90 Large collection of Win 3.0 icons.
ICON330.ZIP 60959 07-22-90 330 ICONS for Windows 3.0 Applications ]
ICON400.ZIP 125546 04-29-91 Icons for Windows
ICONDLL.ZIP 12526 09-19-90 WIN 3 : Hook icons into .dll files
ICONDR.ZIP 32537 06-15-90 [WIN3.0] This is the one you have been
| waiting for! A Shareware ICON editor for
| Windows 3.0 with full 16 color capability.
ICONDR12.ZIP 33831 07-16-90 WIN 3 : icon drawer, draw custom icons.
ICONDRAW.ZIP 37024 06-26-90 Icondraw V1.1 for windows 3.0
ICONE.ZIP 13755 07-21-90 More icons for windows 3.0
ICONLIB.ZIP 60997 07-22-90 WIN 3 : Icon library, an executable file
| that contains a huge number of icons. You
| use it to easliy change your program icons.
ICONPEEK.ZIP 51463 01-09-91 The handy utility creates a .BMP of all
| your icons.
ICONPLUS.ZIP 35292 04-29-91 Develop your own customized icons for Windows
| and some already designed Icons for your use.
ICONS2.ZIP 116186 07-18-90 More icons for windows 3.0
ICONS300.ZIP 100434 08-02-90 300 icons for windows 3.0
ICONTAMR.ZIP 29167 11-16-90 WIN 3 : Icon Manager Program
IDRAW12.ZIP 29453 07-13-90 Icon Drawing program for windows
IE20.ZIP 48421 09-08-90 A DOS based icon editor for Windows 3.0
| icons
IEDIT30.ZIP 92453 01-04-91 Icon Edit version 3.0
IEXTRACT.ZIP 28398 04-29-91 Icon extractor for windows
IE_13.ZIP 36436 06-27-90 Icon editor for windows 3.0
IFW1.ZIP 292725 01-25-91 Intellifont for Windows. Works like ATM
| 1/3
IFW2.ZIP 304322 01-25-91 Intellifont for Windows.
| 2/3 Part 3 will be here in a day or so.
IGLESIA.ZIP 48749 12-22-90 ATM font - Iglesia
IINJECT.ZIP 33506 02-11-91 Insert icons into programs and make them
| permanent, even when iconized.
ILLUSTRA.ZIP 78972 08-26-89 Nice Adobe Illustrator clipart, use w/
| Corel Draw Also
IMG.ZIP 502152 11-11-90 WIN 3 : Image-in Graphics Demo
IMSTR01.ZIP 44962 03-16-91 Windows 3.0 - Icon Master. Icon design pgm.
INFOP141.ZIP 107744 12-08-90 WIN 3 : SysID for Windows
INTFONT.ZIP 1856 02-02-91 Intellifont is being released free!
INTRVL.ZIP 21263 06-30-90 WIN 3 : toolbook application
JANE.ZIP 48226 02-23-88 MS Windows: msp paint foxy girl w/
| valuable shoe.
JEDI.ZIP 11436 02-01-91 A RLE format of Return of the Jedi for
| Startup
JULIE13.ZIP 31031 12-27-90 Toolbook file to convert julian dates to
| gregorian & vice-versa. Also finds the # of
| days between dates. Useful in prj management
JUPITER.ZIP 44137 08-31-86 Another window 3.0 program
KAMAKAZI.ZIP 4604 10-18-88 A game of chasing the enemy and shooting
| them.
KAUFMANN.ZIP 27035 08-27-90 Windows font
KC_RES.ZIP 6394 07-17-88 Resistor color codes for windows.
KF34.ZIP 83688 02-05-91 Shows disk space and free memory
KF40B.ZIP 127657 03-27-91 K-Free v4.0B: continuously monitors free
| Windows and EMS memory along w/
| free space on any hard disk drive specified
| by the user; also displays
| information on the state of Windows & what
| type of hardware you are
| using and the number of programs currently
| running within Windows;
KIVIAT.ZIP 23164 11-05-90 WIN 3 : For Windows developers, this
| program pictorially tracks resource usage
| such as disk & cpu to find misbehaving
| programs
KLOTZ209.ZIP 58864 02-06-90 Tetris-type game for MS Windows. Fun.
KLTZ211A.ZIP 46299 11-11-90 WIN 3 : Tetris Clone
KORINA_W.ZIP 52179 10-24-90 .WFN font for Corel Draw
KORNITAL.ZIP 37641 01-25-91 Type 1 PS Font for ATM/Superprint
KORNLITE.ZIP 36253 01-25-91 Type 1 PS Font for ATM/Superprint
KPWDEMO.ZIP 226115 08-07-90 WIN 3 : Knowledge Pro Demo 1/2
KPWRUN.ZIP 207855 07-25-90 WIN 3 : Knowledge Pro Demo 2/2
KRMW06.ZIP 35894 01-10-91 WIN 3 : Kermit Program
L3WIN361.ZIP 161269 10-15-90 WIN 3 : LaserJet III Driver
LANBDEXP.ZIP 96802 07-05-90 WIN 3 : Fractal .BMP for Windows
LANDER.ZIP 24370 06-10-90 WIN 3 : excellent lunar lander game
LANT30.ZIP 9324 08-06-90 WIN 3 : text file from artisoft on
| lantastic and windows 3.0
LASTBYTE.ZIP 81769 07-06-90 WIN 3 : Tool to use LOADHI
LAUN13.ZIP 12185 03-20-89 Multi_mode window to dos
LAUNCH12.ZIP 9361 02-15-91 Program Launcher
LAVALAMP.ZIP 16545 10-21-90 WIN 3 : Lavalamp animated background
LAYOUT.ZIP 16038 08-12-90 WIN 3 : Save and recall your screen layouts
LAZYSU.ZIP 11708 07-22-90 Calvin & Hobbes .BMP from Lazy Sunday book
LB_V114.ZIP 147965 10-25-90 The Last Byte Memory Management Software
| for C&T chipset Motherboards
LEARNOS.ZIP 133660 09-27-90 Learn Toolbook Open Script Language
LEGACYDE.ZIP 612369 06-08-90 Demo of -w3- Legacy.
LEONARD.ZIP 278969 02-17-91 A sketch program written in Actor
LES_MOR.ZIP 57571 10-02-90 Provides an aim and shoot gallery of
| applications and utilities for Windows 3.0
LIBRA101.ZIP 23193 01-21-89 Libra 1.01 shareware interface from Microsoft
| LIB manager
LIBTBK1.ZIP 11637 12-31-90 WIN 3 : Tool Book Database Program
LINECALC.ZIP 23819 01-25-91 Math program for Windows
LINEPRT.ZIP 2054 11-28-89 A font of Line Printer for Laserjet
LIPS.ZIP 19763 08-13-90 WIN 3 : lips .bmp (look like lips from
| rolling stones)
LIW100.ZIP 81888 02-24-91 A fantastic file manager for Windows
LOANSP.ZIP 224384 09-25-90 WIN 3 : Loan Program
LOCK152.ZIP 61632 02-09-91 Metz lock version 1.52, keyboard lock
LOGOGO10.ZIP 50852 03-09-91 Change that boring Microsoft Windows 3.0
| startup screen to anything you
| like! Automatically cycles thru a RLE4 zip
| library of screens each time
| you run windows. Sample lib of 2 screens
| included.
LOTTOBK.ZIP 16795 08-11-90 Lottery random number generator for toolbook
LUCS21.ZIP 37049 01-28-91 A game for Windows
LUNARLND.ZIP 21942 06-04-90 Windows 3 Lunar Landing game.
LYWDRIVE.ZIP 9876 07-30-90 WIN 3 : Drive information
LYWHIT.ZIP 20681 07-30-90 WIN 3 : couple of utils for windows
LYWTASKS.ZIP 10331 07-26-90 WIN 3 : Task information
MACRCALC.ZIP 316271 10-25-89 Demo program of macrocalc, a very good
| math program for windows.
MAIL32.ZIP 151650 05-14-89 Very good mailing/label + program for
| windows
MANY_PCX.ZIP 237350 07-29-87 Five Pages of PCX graphics
MARIAGE.ZIP 27029 08-27-90 Windows font
MARK30.ZIP 15089 06-02-90 WIN 3 : get rid of the warning
| on that windows 3.0 gives on apps that
| are written for windows 2.11, be sure
| that the app. is compatiable!
MARYLAMB.ZIP 14571 10-24-87 Windows pgm. plays mary had etc. inc src
MATCH.ZIP 39553 02-01-91 Win3 windows text compare match
MATESYS.ZIP 61080 02-21-89 DEMO of nice shell program for windows.
MATHUTIL.ZIP 185053 08-24-90 WIN 3 : Math Utilities.
MAX800.ZIP 54145 06-05-90 WIN 3 : TRIDENT SVGA DRIVER 800x600x16
MAZDA.ZIP 17364 06-02-90 WIN 3 : background.
MAZE.ZIP 4563 09-19-90 Maze screen blanker for Screen Peace
MBW11.ZIP 24717 09-13-90 Mandelbrot windows
MBW12.ZIP 26526 09-25-90 WIN 3 : Mandelbrot Generator
MDRAW.ZIP 148582 12-30-87 Micrographix draw demo.
| real program with save disabled.
MEDIC.ZIP 30097 09-15-89 Windows hardware soft. config reader
MEM111.ZIP 21437 01-27-91 Displays available memory in Windows.
| Latest version 1.11
META.ZIP 99374 08-13-90 WIN 3 : Metaplay 1.0
META11.ZIP 99236 11-11-90 WIN 3 : Metaplay 1.1
METCN1.ZIP 24804 11-06-90 WIN 3 : Metric Conversions & other math
| stuff
METZ.ZIP 513571 03-10-91 Art Metz's suite of Windows programs.
| (All .EXE's within are self-extracting... as
| distributed by the author.)
METZRNR.ZIP 17334 05-21-90 WIN 3 : application runner from metz
METZW30.ZIP 223784 06-04-90 Metzware windows utilities
MGW3.ZIP 27818 09-13-90 WIN 3 : NEC Monograph 1024x1024 Driver
MHGW3_01.ZIP 231493 11-21-90 Wallpaper of Glamour Nudes
MICROVIS.ZIP 147204 10-01-87 Demo of Micrographix in-a-vision
| real program with save disabled.
MIDAS.ZIP 29195 08-18-88 M,s windows calculator w printer functio
MIDDLTON.ZIP 45072 09-23-90 Middleton Type Face for ATM and Win 3.0
MIGHME.ZIP 1965 06-03-90 WIN 3 : Text on high memory
MINES.ZIP 19032 07-13-90 WIN 3 : step through the landmines game
MISC_XTS.ZIP 7047 12-19-90 Miscellaneous .XTS script files for
| Crosstalk
MISER1.ZIP 9741 09-06-90 WIN 3 : game
MLOCAL.ZIP 60235 03-16-91 Icon window routines
MMAIL2.ZIP 2012 01-23-90 WIN 3 : Crosstalk for Windows script
| to automate use of Markmail 2.0
MMU.ZIP 68799 03-05-90 MS Windows: bitmap of astronauts
MNTRSA.ZIP 7205 05-23-90 WIN 3 : monitor saver.
MODELS.ZIP 50299 03-02-88 MS Windows: msp paint of female models.
MOKU.ZIP 15852 07-03-90 A game for Windows
MONOMSG.ZIP 1927 02-28-91 C source to allow a Windows 3 program to
| write debug messages to a second monitor
MONTREAL.ZIP 4235 12-14-90 Montreal Canadian Logo
MOONRISE.ZIP 24371 06-15-90 WIN 3 : moonrise .bmp
MOONTL03.ZIP 24658 03-30-91 WIN3 program that shows Lunar Phases and
| Facts.
MP.ZIP 4182 02-08-91 Toolbook utility to help find mouse
| position - can import snapshots of screen
MRMIND.ZIP 15093 03-10-90 WIN 3 : challenging game for windows
MRMIND2.ZIP 18588 08-23-90 WIN 3 : another mrmind game.
MS20B.ZIP 16700 10-29-90 WIN 3 : Updated version of Monitor Saver
MSCLPART.ZIP 35389 07-13-89 MS Windows: clipart for windows
MSDRV191.ZIP 15338 01-10-91 1-19-91 .SYS files from Microsoft.
MSFISH.ZIP 6889 05-30-90 Win 3 : aquarium of fish.
MSMEMORY.ZIP 3580 05-30-89 WIN 3 : shows status of himem.sys
MSOFTFIX.ZIP 2823 07-20-90 Fix to run Windwos at higher baud rates
MSPGRAPH.ZIP 154897 12-06-89 Graphics for windows paint that were
| made from printmaster's graphics.
MSTITL.ZIP 6837 01-30-91 RLE screen to replace the Windows startup
| screen
MSWATSON.ZIP 14004 06-23-89 WIN 3 : watson information utility.
MSWFWWM1.ZIP 956698 09-14-90 Program for windows 3.0 (disk 1 of 2)
MSWFWWM2.ZIP 1100652 09-14-90 Program for windows (disk 2 Of 2)
MSWFWWM3.ZIP 1193591 09-14-90 Windows (disk 3 Of 3)
MSWINDL.ZIP 45882 08-10-90 WIN 3 : mswin forum datafile card stack
MSWINFUN.ZIP 1971 11-15-90 WIN 3 : Text on Microsoft's New Gamepack
MULTIMED.ZIP 218780 07-13-90 Toolbook Multimedia Demo
MULTIP.ZIP 11760 01-09-90 WIN 3 : notepad replacement.
MULTI_ME.ZIP 2129 01-27-91 Microsoft Multimedia developers kit info
MUTANT.ZIP 7287 01-14-90 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle BMP
MYCAR.ZIP 156324 01-16-91 1024x728x256 BMP of a girl and her Jeep
Windows Applications
Location of files 017C
NAGXMAS.ZIP 6442 11-26-90 Holiday Nagel BMP
NAV051.ZIP 147253 12-17-90 WIN 3 : Navigator version .51
NETSCN72.ZIP 49415 12-13-90 Check for virus
NEWEYE.ZIP 5712 07-24-90 Kool 'ralph' eyes that blink and follow
NEWPAP.ZIP 7639 08-30-90 Randomly rotate through windows 3.0
NEWPAPER.ZIP 4152 07-28-90 WIN 3 : automatic wallpaper changer
NEWS.ZIP 23065 08-27-90 Windows font
NEWSPX.ZIP 20967 08-12-90 WIN 3 : screens for screen peace blanker
NGHINTS.ZIP 40742 10-21-90 WIN 3 : Hints from Northgate
NOLOGO.ZIP 845 09-01-90 WIN 3 : Remove the opening Logo Screen
NOR4PIF.ZIP 5377 06-12-87 Norton utils pif files for windows
NOTEBK03.ZIP 32782 02-09-91 Notebook version 0.3 - text editor that
| uses the maximum available heap
NOTEMAN.ZIP 21843 01-13-91 Shareware PIM for Windows 3.0
NOX.ZIP 5122 04-18-91 NOX is a small TSR utility that will TOTALLY
| disable all writes to disk by ANY program.
| Good for testing programs that are uploaded.
| Shareware, tested against over a HUNDRED real
| viruses!
OAKWIN3.ZIP 37136 06-04-90 Drivers for OAK Vga cards
OKNA.ZIP 139692 07-02-90 WIN 3 : working desktop demo from okna
| corp.
OKNAPHCL.ZIP 256018 10-01-90 Okna Phonebook/Calender Demo
OLDENG.ZIP 34728 05-14-90 Outline font for Pub Type Foundry & Pbrush
OLDGLO.ZIP 2859 05-31-90 WIN 3 : old glory .bmp
OLDTOWN.ZIP 18702 08-27-90 Windows font
OLEPB.ZIP 207601 12-01-90 OLE version of Paint Brush for Windows
OLETXT.ZIP 52359 01-09-91 OLE text file from MS in SDK format
OLVR_10C.ZIP 51301 12-11-90 Oliver .MSG reader program
OPTIM.ZIP 15859 03-28-90 Outline font for Pub Type Foundry & Pbrush
OPTIMBI.ZIP 16515 03-28-90 Outline font for Pub Type Foundry & Pbrush
OPTIMI.ZIP 16571 03-28-90 Outline font for Pub Type Foundry & Pbrush
OPTIM_B.ZIP 16530 03-28-90 Outline font for Pub Type Foundry & Pbrush
OPUS1.ZIP 272149 06-13-88 MS Windows: demo of hypergraphics system
ORG140.ZIP 82591 01-03-91 Organize 1.4 diary like PIM for Win 3.0.
| Now supports reports and photocopies of
| pages. Shareware, $35.00
OSF106.ZIP 14944 11-09-90 OS Frame 1.06 - Windows 3.0. Makes window
| borders 3-D plus other special effects.
OSF111.ZIP 16683 02-14-91 OSFrame ver 1.1, Windows 3.0 utility to
| improve look and feel of Windows.
PACKRAT.ZIP 274355 03-04-90 MS Windows: demo of desktop organizer
| for windows
PARADOX.ZIP 45190 01-25-91 Type 1 PS Font for ATM/Superprint
PARADX_W.ZIP 21421 04-19-90 .WFN font for Corel Draw
PARWIN.ZIP 54270 09-22-90 Genealogy program for windows
PAR_WIN3.ZIP 443103 01-30-91 New FASTER drivers from the Paradise BBS.
| Paradise VGA Cards
PAULA.ZIP 129498 06-07-90 WIN 3 : paula abdul background!
PBIC11.ZIP 18920 07-12-90 WIN 3 : utility to create/modify icons
| using paint brush.
PBICON.ZIP 13108 06-21-90 Windows 3.0 icon makes
PBI_EDIT.ZIP 24643 07-19-90 WIN 3 : .bmp for use with pbicon
PCASE.ZIP 125576 03-27-90 Demo of Case Tool for Windows
PCL310.ZIP 102579 01-17-89 Hp laserjet driver for windows
PCPROJCT.ZIP 335974 06-07-90 Complete Project Management Program ver. 3
| written in Actor 3.0, includes full source
PDWIN31A.ZIP 141778 10-12-90 New set of drivers for the Orchid
| Prodesigner
PEGGED.ZIP 17872 11-29-90 Pegged game for Windows
PH.ZIP 41074 05-19-90 WIN 3 : info manager for windows, ( lists
| of names, phone numbers, etc )
PICL182.ZIP 152631 05-24-90 WIN 3 : Picture Lab 1.82
PICPUB.ZIP 696939 02-22-90 Picture Publisher Demo
PIXEL.ZIP 98820 01-25-91 Type 1 PS Font for ATM/Superprint
PIXELWFN.ZIP 3807 04-19-90 .WFN font for Corel Draw
PKINS50.ZIP 54572 04-29-91 Add comments, checkvirus with this program
PLACCESS.ZIP 69352 09-20-90 Device Drivers that may help with
| problems you may be having with an unusual
| keyboard or some other unusual type of
| Hardware
PLANET_O.ZIP 24452 09-04-90 WIN 3 : Outer Space .BMP
PLOTTER.ZIP 62134 07-11-90 Superbase 4 plotter utility for use in Win 3
POLYWIN.ZIP 1293 08-04-86 Patch for ms word 3.0 under polywindows
POOLSP.ZIP 2688 02-17-91 More screens for Screen Peace
POS121.ZIP 13551 11-22-90 Show Cursor Position in Windows
POSTCR.ZIP 42247 11-18-90 ATM font - Post Crypt
PPD11.ZIP 47522 12-12-90 Power Pad 1.1 replacement for notepad
| under Windows 3.0.Search and replace
| text,printer setup,much more.
PPRBOY.ZIP 8020 06-24-90 WIN 3 : automatically toggles .bmp files
| for wallpapers
PRO022.ZIP 93750 09-07-87 An ms windows communications pgm. good
PROTEUS.ZIP 38215 04-02-87 Terminal prog. for ms windows
PS140.ZIP 62953 02-08-91 PAINT SHOP FOR WINDOWS 3
PS150.ZIP 74648 03-02-91 Paint Shop 1.50 View, convert GIF,BMP, & etc.
PSFNT2.ZIP 330997 07-01-90 WIN 3 : Postscript Fonts for Windows
PSFNT3.ZIP 330957 07-08-90 WIN 3 : Postscript Fonts for Windows
PUBTECH.ZIP 333480 11-03-90 WIN 3.0 : PubTech ICON GUI Demo.
PUZZLE11.ZIP 23461 09-10-90 WIN 3 : Makes puzzle layout of picture files
PUZZLE12.ZIP 32087 02-19-91 New Puzzle game for Windows
PVGA.ZIP 110029 11-15-90 Paradise 800x600 VGA driver for use with OSF
QEMMINF.ZIP 8819 09-28-90 WIN 3 : How to use Qemm 5.1 w/ Windows
QEMMTECH.ZIP 24570 09-18-90 WIN 3 : Qemm 5.1 & Windows Tips
QEMMWIN.ZIP 15651 01-09-91 How to use Qemm and Windows
QEXIT.ZIP 8856 11-25-90 Quick Exit - w/ source and docs.
QUE101D.ZIP 26278 03-27-90 WIN 3 : Crosstalk for Windows Autodialer
RAISE101.ZIP 9188 09-24-90 WIN 3 : Auto Window Utility
RAISE15B.ZIP 10266 01-21-91 Version 1.5 of Raise, but with bugs
| fixed.
RANDBMP.ZIP 28744 04-10-90 MS Windows: allows random backgrounds
| in Windows 3.0
RAYWINWP.ZIP 227386 02-03-91 Raytraced wallpaper for Windows 3.0
RCPWIN.ZIP 73124 11-26-90 Windows Recipe program, Creates Recipes,
| shopping lists, etc.
RECIPMKR.ZIP 64989 04-10-90 WIN 3 : Recipe program
RECRUN.ZIP 19651 06-22-90 WIN 3 : Record Macros and play them back
| easily.
REFONT.ZIP 26049 02-27-91 Convert Mac type 1 fonts to ATM fonts
REVERSI.ZIP 1332 02-09-90 Game of Reversi (Othello) for windows
RNPROG15.ZIP 12577 12-29-90 Run programs from windows with options
ROINFO10.ZIP 18041 11-19-88 window info for seagate miniscribe vvg.
ROISSY.ZIP 25587 08-27-90 Windows font
ROPS.ZIP 13345 06-16-90 WIN 3 : Rastor Ops program
RUMBAMBX.ZIP 589678 11-03-90 Rumba Mailbox Demo for Windows 3.0
RUNNER.ZIP 33431 09-25-90 WIN 3 : Programmer Launcher w/o using PM
RUSS_S.ZIP 21661 01-22-89 A small term program for windows
S10026.ZIP 4538 03-08-88 Instructive pop_up calculator for ms wi
S12041.ZIP 19783 11-27-90 Info on running Windows on a network
SATURN.ZIP 63682 01-11-89 A BMP of Saturn
SAVESE.ZIP 7623 01-01-91 Saveset - little Windows utility for
| automatically checking yes or no to save set
| up prompt on exiting Windows.
SAVESET.ZIP 7623 01-01-91 Program to allow settings to be saved on
| first exit and disable save settings on
| subsequent exits.
SAVR1.ZIP 6701 06-01-90 WIN 3 : screen saver
SB4DEM.ZIP 492944 07-16-90 WIN 3 : Demo of Super Base 4 2/3
SBINST.ZIP 2472 07-19-90 WIN 3 : Demo of Super Base 4 1/3
SCJEW1.ZIP 19020 03-16-91 Text on the Jews from the Bible
SCRNPEAC.ZIP 75085 07-06-90 Sreen peace V1.2 Screen Saver for Windows
SECCH1.ZIP 11310 07-22-90 WIN 3 : Allows Multiple Assoc. of Docs
SEDT_DOC.ZIP 78358 11-10-90 Documentation for SEDT
SEDT_WIN.ZIP 91229 11-10-90 SEDT - A Windows comp. programmers editor
SET1_4.ZIP 6809 11-06-90 New set comm ports program from Xtalk
SETC1234.ZIP 5436 01-08-91 Set up your Comm ports to allows access
| of comm 3 & 4 from Windows
SETCTXT.ZIP 1253 02-24-91 DOCs for set1-4
SHOW11.ZIP 45481 03-14-89 Slide show presentation program
SHOWGIF.ZIP 64825 03-10-91 Window image viewer and cataloger manager
SHUTTLE1.ZIP 124149 11-03-90 toolbook shuttle start and trip animation
SIMPFA.ZIP 15101 07-22-90 BMP of the Simpsons family
SIMPSON.ZIP 6145 06-08-90 WIN 3 : simpson's bitmap!
SIMPWINS.ZIP 9691 02-05-91 Another Simpsons .BMP
SKILSCAN.ZIP 1285 11-29-90 Skills Canada logo
SLAP2.ZIP 3495 03-20-86 Dumpt screen to printer in ms_windows..
SLOT.ZIP 28075 12-08-90 A slot machine for Windows
SMARTWIN.ZIP 59115 12-17-88 Windows file manager. only a demo.
| order form for real thing included.
SNAG16.ZIP 52465 02-01-91 Screen Capture Program
SNAP102.ZIP 21234 01-08-91 Screen Capture program. version 1.02
SNTFRA.ZIP 21980 11-30-90 WIN 3 : Fomt for ATM or Superprint
SOUNDR.ZIP 149213 11-08-90 Working version of Sounder
SPACEW.ZIP 18084 10-26-90 WIN 3 : A spacewars game for windows
SPMATH1.ZIP 183942 05-04-88 windows 2.x screen _ hp fonts. math char
SPRBOY.ZIP 8631 12-08-90 Random .BMP for Windows 3.0
SPY.ZIP 25904 10-15-87 Windows spy utility (byte mag?)
SQLLINK.ZIP 241584 08-09-90 WIN 3 : SQLSoft's SQLLink Demo
SR2WIN30.ZIP 91948 11-09-90 Latest Screen Peace screen blank utility.
SS14.ZIP 26633 01-24-91 Screen Saver 1.4
STACBMP.ZIP 79196 02-21-91 BMP of Puffer fish from stacker ad!
STACKS.ZIP 4940 05-01-90 WIN 3 : Windows Book Catalog &
| Taxcode Cardfile
STARCON.ZIP 1065 03-15-91 Star control BMP. small, but nice
STARS.ZIP 3791 05-22-90 WIN 3 : shows stars as you might
| see them from a space ship.
STSC1A.ZIP 14793 10-20-90 WIN 3 : Shareware Scripture .CRD Files
SUB.ZIP 1163 02-24-91 A Excel Macro to run fish in Excel
SUMMA.ZIP 7172 10-16-90 Summagraphics Win 3 tablet driver.
SUNSET.ZIP 28120 06-14-90 BMP of a sunset on a tropical island
SUPRFUSE.ZIP 18115 03-16-88 A fractal type display that works as an
| icon.
SUPWIN3.ZIP 49618 08-23-90 WIN 3 : SVGA DRIVER FOR WIN 3.0
SV800.ZIP 37282 06-01-90 WIN 3 : GENERIC SVGA 800x600x16 DRIVER
SVGA1991.ZIP 17959 02-13-91 1991 Calendar .BMP
SYMBOL8.ZIP 13069 08-27-90 Windows font
SYSGRA30.ZIP 15670 12-24-90 Graph either CPU load or free time -
| alter mapping interval
SYSGRAPH.ZIP 2963 04-19-88 Show system usage as a graph in Windows
SYSGRF.ZIP 8570 04-24-88 Ms windows app. provides system info
TAIPEI.ZIP 27639 05-17-90 Mahjongg type program for windows.
TAIPEI35.ZIP 61704 01-13-91 Taipei version 3.5
TAME260.ZIP 75440 02-23-91 Tame improves multi-taskers speed.
TAMR11.ZIP 30588 12-01-90 Icon tamer for Windows.
TASK101.ZIP 80494 02-12-91 Task Manager 1.01, from Metz
TASKMA12.ZIP 80778 02-19-91 Metz Task Manager v1.02 for Windows 3.0
TBBDAY.ZIP 19611 10-13-90 Toolbook Birthday Book
TBMJONGG.ZIP 135054 12-10-90 Toolbook game of Mahjong
TBSCAN22.ZIP 45530 03-14-91 Program to trace viruses
TEGLTC.ZIP 353627 11-19-90 Sample of TEGL Windows Toolkit. TC
| Library examples, documentation. Unzip with
| -d
TERMBOOK.ZIP 11080 08-02-90 Simple Toolbook comm program
TET4000.ZIP 204394 08-14-90 WIN 3 : Tseng 4000 drivers
TETRISWI.ZIP 20208 03-24-90 Tetris for windows
TFT.ZIP 19023 11-22-90 The Files Tool, search for files, then
| delete, copy, rename, etc. rev. 2.0
TICTAC.ZIP 5420 09-19-90 WIN 3 : Tic Tac Toe game
TILE.ZIP 11418 07-11-90 WIN 3 : preview bitmaps as tiled from clpbrd
TILER.ZIP 9773 09-05-87 With ms_windows move dir windows _misc
TIME24.ZIP 12446 05-18-90 WIN 3 : digital date/clock.
TIME241.ZIP 12512 06-01-90 Metz Time Clock 2.41
TIMELINE.ZIP 4322 07-01-90 WIN 3 : provides current time & date.
TIMER.ZIP 1888 01-14-91 A Timer script for Xtalk for Windows
TIMESH.ZIP 9987 08-31-88 MS Excel time sheet keeper
TIM_1.ZIP 533836 03-02-91 Tron Invoice Manager - complete invoice
| tracking system.
TLB_T118.ZIP 13263 01-18-91 Test your system for compatibility with
| "The Last Byte" memory management software
TLMAGR.ZIP 156912 05-21-90 WIN 3 : Demo of Professional Contact
| Manager
TMWINPIF.ZIP 2563 02-18-91 Telemate .PIF for Windows
TNTEPS.ZIP 12431 10-29-90 Extensive collection of Postscript files
| that can be used w/ Ventura to create higher
| resolution tint screens than available via
| the frame background selections
TPE.ZIP 146267 03-16-90 turbo powered editor 1.0
| multi window programmers editor
TRBOICON.ZIP 30016 11-29-90 TurboIcons for Win3. Program by Kevin
| McFarland.
TRECLM.ZIP 6247 08-07-90 WIN 3 : Utility for recursive action
| through the directory tree.
TSE3000.ZIP 142290 08-29-90 WIN 3 : TSENG VIDEO DRIVER (ET3000 CHIP)
TSETSE.ZIP 7884 06-06-90 WIN 3 : GAME
TSKMGR02.ZIP 51331 06-18-90 WIN 3 : task manager for windows
TWEAK2.ZIP 9689 09-10-90 WIN 3 : Patch to make Windows 3.0 run
| in 800x600 on normal VGA monitors
TWNTLKDM.ZIP 411488 11-18-90 Twin Talk Demo. Powerful Comm Program
TYPEWRTE.ZIP 11657 08-28-90 Make typewriter sounds under Windows
| using a Covox Voice Master. Makes noise on
| internal PC speaker
UC20C.ZIP 118624 08-26-90 Windows 3 telecom package. A good
| Compromise in size and capability. Handles
| X-Y-ZModem and offers color ANSI support.
| Scroll back up to 600 lines and setup your
| own script files to do everything. Program
| requires $45 registr
UC_20C.ZIP 168537 08-26-90 Win 3 : unicom ver2.0 with new
| comm.drv for windows.
UNICOM.ZIP 159050 02-11-90 A windows communication program
UPDOWN.ZIP 7563 12-19-90 Program to control Automatic Restoration
| or Minimization or Program/File Managers
USENET09.ZIP 32684 10-05-90 Usenet discussions on microsoft windows
USHER11.ZIP 13204 01-21-91 Application Launch Utility for Windwos
| 3.0
USNET209.ZIP 20688 10-09-90 WIN 3 : More on Win 3 from Usenet
UTCRST_T.ZIP 47434 10-11-88 Univ. of Toronto Crest
UTILICON.ZIP 15739 07-08-90 Utility Icons for windows
UTL106.ZIP 38350 02-05-91 Utilities for exiting and starting
| windows
UTLPAK30.ZIP 2669 12-28-90 Description of Moon Valley's UTLPAK30
V1DSK.ZIP 132098 01-16-87 Windows device driver lib. v1 d1 arc5.2
V1DSK2.ZIP 75131 01-16-87 Windows device driver lib. vol 1 disk 2
VANNAMAC.ZIP 25786 04-18-87 Picture of vanna white converted to
| MS Windows format. very nice!!
VCOPY74.ZIP 40794 02-14-91 Checks for all virus types as it copies.
VCRCAT.ZIP 15360 03-08-91 A VCR tape database program
VECTRFON.ZIP 12153 01-26-90 These are fonts to be used with windows
VGA.ZIP 109675 11-15-90 VGA Drivers for Windows that have a
| different look than the default look of Win.
VGAFON.ZIP 163624 11-20-90 WIN 3 : Vga fonts for Windows
VGA_WALL.ZIP 77086 07-09-90 High Quality BMP's from Pictures
VI10.ZIP 22696 11-07-90 Icon viewer for Windows.
VI101.ZIP 22696 11-07-90 WIN 3 : View all icons in dir
VIEWER3.ZIP 31595 09-27-90 WIN 3 : Good Text File Viewer
VISA_CRD.ZIP 2470 11-03-90 Visa Card scan in Corel Draw format.
VPICDA.ZIP 5080 02-24-91 Novell Netware device driver. This file
| replaces the internal VPICDA.386 in the
| windows kernal for anyone having trouble
| with DOS 4.0.
VPWIN.ZIP 3115 09-25-90 WIN 3 : Text on using the new Ventura
VPWIN1.ZIP 74584 11-14-90 Fix for Win 3 version of VP
VPWINFIX.ZIP 78166 11-19-90 Ventura Pub. for Win 3.0 Official Fix.
Location of files 017D
W3CFG.ZIP 93312 08-15-90 WIN 3 : Configuration Optimizer
W3CFG1.ZIP 93927 08-23-90 Toolbook app for configuring windows 3.0
W3DIRNOT.ZIP 26389 12-04-90 Add 38 character notes to your Windows
| 3.0 files & directories
W3DOSDOR.ZIP 6015 12-05-90 Easy Multi-DOS sessions from Windows 3.0
W3MSCDRV.ZIP 4680 07-25-90 WIN 3 : Mouse Systems Mouse Driver
W3PINDRV.ZIP 76589 09-06-90 WIN 3 : NEC Pin Writer Drivers
W3PKTDR2.ZIP 72532 07-16-90 WIN 3 : Packet Driver to use w/ WNQVTNET
W3SDLD1.ZIP 340730 10-16-90 WIN 3 : MS Supplemental Drivers Library
| 1/7, These drivers contain a complete
| update from Microsoft.
W3SDLD2.ZIP 309028 10-16-90 WIN 3 : 2/7
W3SDLD3.ZIP 115883 10-16-90 WIN 3 : 3/7
W3SDLD4.ZIP 190962 10-16-90 WIN 3 : 4/7
W3SDLD5.ZIP 245546 10-16-90 WIN 3 : 5/7
W3SDLD6.ZIP 253984 10-16-90 WIN 3 : 6/7
W3SDLD7.ZIP 234537 10-16-90 WIN 3 : 7/7
W3_BBS.ZIP 8935 11-29-90 Configuration for Running a BBS under Win 3
W3_ICONS.ZIP 30549 07-29-90 Window incons
W4W_MAC.ZIP 12426 03-06-90 WIN 3 : word for windows macros
WALLPAPR.ZIP 29097 06-01-90 WIN 3 : backgrounds for windows
WALPAPR1.ZIP 433904 05-29-90 Backgrounds for windows 3.0
WALPAPR2.ZIP 323590 05-29-90 Backgrounds for windows 3.0
WALPAPR3.ZIP 481827 05-30-90 Backgrounds for windows 3.0
WALPAPR4.ZIP 307099 05-31-90 Backgrounds for windows 3.0
WALPAPR5.ZIP 102581 05-31-90 Backgrounds for windows 3.0
WALPAPR6.ZIP 498393 05-31-90 Backgrounds for windows 3.0
WARGAME.ZIP 42531 03-17-91 A game that simulates the Gulf War
WB12.ZIP 32964 02-01-91 Wall Blaster 1.2, changes wallpaper
WBAR16.ZIP 13596 02-17-91 Winbar 1.6 Generate UPC,2 of 5, 3 of 9,
| and Postnet Barcodes.Clipboard and
| metafile support added.
WBAUTO10.ZIP 36954 03-03-91 WallBlaster enhancement for Windows 3.0
| -- No need to juggle wallpaper
| 3.3 files in-and-out of WBLASTER.ZIP
| anymore! Create multiple *.BMP
WBT30A.ZIP 189249 03-07-91 Wilson Windoware's Batch Language 3.0a
WBTRV.ZIP 7930 11-03-90 Classes to access Btreive files in Actor 3.0
WC110.ZIP 72723 10-23-90 WinCheck 1.1
WC300.ZIP 45301 10-07-90 WIN 3 : Clock/Alarm
WCATWIN3.ZIP 2041 07-02-90 WIN 3 : how to run wildcat bbs under win 3.
WCK16B.ZIP 91286 12-28-90 Check book for windows 3.0
WCK22A.ZIP 173094 03-01-91 Checkbook program for Windows, ver 22a
WDMAIL.ZIP 126086 12-11-90 A Windows Net Mail program
WDN.ZIP 26389 12-04-90 WIN 3 : Add coments to your Win File
| Lists
WED10E.ZIP 99793 03-14-91 Good programmers Editor from Wilson
| Windowware
WED10G.ZIP 106605 04-11-91 WinEdit v. 1.0g from Wilson Windowware.
WEM.ZIP 21652 01-01-91 Windows Easy Menu 2.0 - A user defined
| menu that replaces Program Manager
WFNFIX.ZIP 1827 12-21-90 WFN fix for Corel Draw
WFNPTCH.ZIP 38436 01-05-91 Patch for WFN in Corel Draw
WFUN102.ZIP 27294 06-14-90 WIN 3 : fun and annoying programs.
| harmless.
WFW_EPS.ZIP 10281 07-14-90 WIN 3 : EPS Macros for WinWord
WGF10B.ZIP 16156 03-06-91 Wingif 1.0b
WIN2AP.ZIP 48330 03-15-88 Ms windows app. sample programs
WIN2APPS.ZIP 48330 03-15-88 Windows 2.0 apps digclk circsq win87em..
WIN300.ZIP 10265 10-24-90 Running Windows on a Lantastic Network
WIN30311.ZIP 219162 03-12-91 Driver for TSENG 4000 cards
WIN30PAP.ZIP 42867 07-22-90 WIN 3 : 128 wallpaper files made from icons.
WIN30_DM.ZIP 2506 01-01-80 WIN 3 : open letter from ontrack ( disk
| manager ) windows 3.0 problems
WIN3APPS.ZIP 91345 02-02-90 WIN 3 : card file of windows apps.
WIN3BMPS.ZIP 164476 06-20-90 WIN 3 : collection of .bmps for wallpaper
WIN3CHES.LZH 164736 02-12-91 Windows 3.0 Chess Game.
WIN3CLK.ZIP 16353 07-26-90 WIN 3 : clock for windows
WIN3DTTT.ZIP 18165 11-29-86 3D tick tack toe for windows, hard
WIN3NORT.ZIP 11688 06-08-90 WIN 3 : norton interface for command
| post 7.0
WIN3PR.ZIP 8287 06-14-89 WIN 3 : identified problems
WIN3PROG.ZIP 5157 06-20-90 WIN 3 : new products to be seen.
WIN3RISK.ZIP 3466 07-07-90 WIN 3 : problems with with windows.
WIN3STAR.ZIP 3791 05-22-90 WIN 3 : stars moving wall paper
WIN3ZIP.ZIP 13660 06-08-90 WIN 3 : .zip file interface for
| command post 7.0
WIN3_STB.ZIP 197642 07-07-90 WIN 3 : STB EM PLUS DRIVERS.
WIN87.ZIP 9918 12-14-87 Let windows use 8087 80287
WIN87E.ZIP 10457 03-17-88 80x87 emulator used with win2ap.arc
WINAPPS.ZIP 37572 05-24-86 Unusual windows apps w/disk viewer
WINBATCH.ZIP 170553 01-10-91 Batch File Processing for Windows 3.0
WINBEG.ZIP 27808 12-06-87 Generates ms windows programs _msc
WINBEG30.ZIP 18002 09-30-90 WIN 3 : Beginning programers to Win 3 ?
WINBEN11.ZIP 51451 06-01-90 Win 3.0 Benchmark program
WINBENCH.ZIP 11210 10-18-86 Pcmagazine benchmark program for windows
WINBIT.ZIP 44220 01-30-91 Test versin of BITFAX/SR for speedmod
| combo
WINBJ.ZIP 99270 11-07-90 Windows 3.0 - Blackjack game demo w/multiple
| game types.
WINBUGS1.ZIP 2559 06-14-90 WIN 3 : creates bugs on your screen
WINCAP.ZIP 2044 05-03-90 WIN 3 : capture screens or windows to
| clipbd.
WINCCDEM.ZIP 70627 08-15-87 A demo for wincc 2_3
WINCETC.ZIP 25513 08-15-87 Doc h of wincc 3 of 3
WINCHE.ZIP 15466 02-07-91 Program to ensure that CHKDSK will not
| kill the hard disk when run under Windows
WINCHESS.ZIP 159754 10-11-90 WIN 3 : New Chess Game
WINCHR10.ZIP 4812 05-30-90 WIN 3 : shows ansi & oem fonts
WINCLASS.ZIP 6220 03-19-91 A library for windows
WINCLIB.ZIP 66938 08-15-87 Winc a window library lattice c 1 3
WINCLK30.ZIP 45301 10-07-90 Winclock 3.0 - stays in front
WINCRD.ZIP 15983 08-27-86 Conv msoft windows cards to ascii _ back
WINCUR.ZIP 15764 10-24-90 Now you not only can customize your icons
| but your cursor too.
WINDBUG.ZIP 6051 06-26-90 WIN 3 : warning about windows and large
| hard disks. 1024+ cylinders.
WINDEMO1.ZIP 632515 09-07-90 Windows 3.0 Demo (1 of 4)
WINDEMO2.ZIP 683078 09-07-90 Windows demo (2 of 4)
WINDEMO3.ZIP 658267 09-07-90 Windows demo (3 of 4)
WINDEMO4.ZIP 403767 09-07-90 Windows demo (4 of 4)
WINDOART.ZIP 81933 11-30-86 MS Windows: graphic images on cards
WINDOW30.ZIP 31989 05-22-90 WIN 3 : microsoft info on windows 3.0
WINDOWS.ZIP 34510 10-19-89 MS Windows: text articles on windows.
| word perfect format.
WINDT31.ZIP 71874 05-20-90 Desktop organizing program
WINDXQ.ZIP 2344 12-14-90 Windows Script for Redialing
WINDXY.ZIP 81897 11-25-90 WIN 3 : Import AutoCAD DXY files
WIND_MAI.ZIP 116940 08-22-90 Network mail and BBS
WINENG.ZIP 11913 10-18-90 WIN 3 : Icons for Engineers
WINEXIT2.ZIP 13738 10-28-90 A quick clean exit from Windows 3.0
WINFON.ZIP 1165 01-03-88 Ms_windows info on fonts
WINFONT1.ZIP 350880 08-27-90 Fonts for Microsoft Windows 3.0 (1/7)
WINFONT2.ZIP 297615 08-27-90 Fonts for Microsoft Windows 3.0 (2/7)
WINFONT3.ZIP 300149 08-27-90 Fonts for Microsoft Windows 3.0 (3/7)
WINFONT4.ZIP 397711 08-27-90 Fonts for Microsoft Windows 3.0 (4/7)
WINFONT5.ZIP 255736 08-27-90 Fonts for Microsoft Windows 3.0 (5/7)
WINFONT6.ZIP 225896 08-27-90 Fonts for Microsoft Windows 3.0 (6/7)
WINFONT7.ZIP 249181 08-27-90 Fonts for Microsoft Windows 3.0 (7/7)
WINFRA30.ZIP 192326 12-12-90 Fractal for windows v. 3.0
WINFRA31.ZIP 183219 12-21-90 WIN 3 : New version of Winfract
WINGAMES.ZIP 300273 11-19-90 A collection of games for Windows 3.0
WINGIF.ZIP 18396 08-16-90 A gif viewer for windows v3.0. neet
WINGIF09.ZIP 27118 11-11-90 WIN 3 : New Release of WinGIF ver 90
WINGIG.ZIP 29195 09-29-86 Files for ms windows. relaxation prgs vg
WINGZ_1.ZIP 290991 08-14-90 Wingz Demo - 1 of 2
WINGZ_2.ZIP 504049 06-13-90 Wingz Demo - 2 of 2
WINHOTKY.ZIP 19552 08-02-90 Set Hotkeys for Windows - Also, run any
| Win 3 program from another directory
WINHP.ZIP 16885 04-19-88 Hp calculator for windows 2.0
WINJAK.ZIP 250945 10-04-90 WIN 3 : blackjack
WINKER.ZIP 7056 01-15-80 WIN 3 : eye con and screen blanker.
WINKERM.ZIP 50036 12-19-86 Simple ms windows version of kermit w c
WINLISP.ZIP 298136 11-01-89 Lisp Programming in Windows
WINLOAD.ZIP 27728 07-08-90 WIN 3 : Choose to load/not load WIN at
| boot
WINMENU.ZIP 27598 05-02-88 Menu maker for ms windows
WINMUSIC.ZIP 13682 08-28-90 Toolbook Music Editor
WINPARK.ZIP 2407 07-06-90 Park your hard disk heads in Windows
WINPAS.ZIP 72220 10-24-90 WIN 3 : Windows pascal programmer
WINPAY11.ZIP 278776 03-09-91 Windows Payroll program
WINPCX.ZIP 18686 10-20-89 View pcx files in windows.
WINPOK.ZIP 64825 09-04-90 WIN 3 : poker game
WINPOKER.ZIP 51097 11-03-90 Window poker game
WINPOOL.ZIP 15563 09-08-90 Creates interesting patterns in a Windows
WINPROGS.ZIP 134765 01-27-91 Windows source code examples typed in
| from Petzold and Norton & Yao books.
WINPROJ1.ZIP 285305 09-17-90 Microsoft Project for Windows - Working Model
| (1 of 6).
WINPROJ2.ZIP 202930 09-17-90 Microsoft Project for Windows - Working Model
| (2 of 6).
WINPROJ3.ZIP 223721 09-17-90 Microsoft Project for Windows - Working Model
| (3 of 6).
WINPROJ4.ZIP 180455 09-17-90 Microsoft Project for Windows - Working Model
| (4 of 6).
WINPROJ5.ZIP 436933 08-27-90 Microsoft Project for Windows - Working Model
| (5 of 6).
WINPROJ6.ZIP 267576 08-27-90 Microsoft Project for Windows - Working Model
| (6 of 6).
WINPRT10.ZIP 65171 09-13-90 WIN 3 : Printing & formatting application
| w/ fonts, margins, headers, footers,
| page numbers & more.
WINPUZL.ZIP 7097 07-18-90 WIN 3 : puzzle program.
WINPUZLE.ZIP 39784 09-30-90 Window 3.0 puzzle game
WINQ099.ZIP 53749 03-30-91 Winqwk 1.0 Win 3.0 QWK compatible mail
WINQ100C.ZIP 71851 04-06-91 Windows QWk reader
WINQUO.ZIP 31234 10-19-90 WIN 3 : Quote of the day.
WINRES.ZIP 28728 01-11-91 A command line program to boot Windows
| into different resolutions on Multi-Sync
| High Res monitors. Supports Video 7,
| Orchid, Genoa, Wyse, Trident and ATI
WINRIP.ZIP 5349 11-11-90 Utility to make Debugging window's RIPs
| easier.
WINRUN21.ZIP 14425 01-19-91 Command line utility program
WINSECRT.ZIP 667 01-08-91 Text on how to display credits in Windows
WINSER.ZIP 101815 10-22-90 Winsert is a program enabling you to
| search various database files using Win 3.
| Supports all major formats.
WINSFT11.ZIP 55281 10-27-89 Windows cardfile list of 360 windows pr
WINSGIG.ZIP 29195 09-29-86 Windows apps
WINSMASH.ZIP 5751 09-02-90 WIN 3 : wallpaper for sdk users.
WINSRC.ZIP 271786 12-21-90 WIN 3 : Fractint version 3.1 source code
WINSTART.ZIP 1331 07-01-90 WIN 3 : pick random wallpaper at start up
WINTIP.ZIP 653 06-23-90 WIN 3 : tip for loading .gif's as
| wallpaper
WINTREE.ZIP 54273 12-20-90 Family tree. Geneology program
WINTRIS.ZIP 13810 09-08-90 Windows game like tetris
WINUTIL.ZIP 75306 01-18-89 WIN 3 : Various utilities for Windows
WINUTIL1.ZIP 350830 11-07-90 WIN 3 : Good collection of Windows Utils
WINUTIL2.ZIP 336854 11-01-90 WIN 3 : More utils for Windows
WINVIR.ZIP 2413 12-07-90 Text file describing virus encounter thru
| Win Application
WINWHERE.ZIP 36093 11-22-90 WIN 3 : PC Magazine File Search Utility
WINWORKS.ZIP 576480 07-01-90 WIN 3 : Church Database Program
WINXTLK.ZIP 4409 12-02-89 Text on crosstalk for windows
| I use crosstalk, and it is great!
WINZIPPR.ZIP 21650 07-18-89 Windows 3.0 zip/unzip
WIN_CIS.ZIP 30175 12-27-90 Compuserve Windows Files 12-27-90
WIN_MEM.ZIP 23312 08-24-90 Excellent text file on the various types of
| memory and how Windows 3.0 uses each kind in
| each of the 3 modes - from Microsoft
WIN_NET.ZIP 19783 11-27-90 WIN 3 : Docs on Win and Networks from MS
WIN_P_S.ZIP 2710 12-29-90 WIN 3 : Vendor support available on CIS
WMB20.ZIP 31191 10-20-90 WIN 3 : Mile Bones Card Game
WMFPATCH.ZIP 1180 01-05-91 WIN 3 : Patch for AMI Pro
WNBLNK20.ZIP 17902 10-09-90 WIN 3 : Screen Blanker
WNEWS001.ZIP 2159 01-23-91 WindowsNEWS Jan 15, 1991
WNEWS002.ZIP 1931 01-23-91 WindowsNEWS Jan 21, 1991
WNEWS003.ZIP 2058 01-27-91 WindowsNEWS Jan 28, 1991
WNEWS004.ZIP 2134 02-08-91 WindowsNEWS Feb 01, 1991
WNEWS005.ZIP 1979 02-10-91 WindowsNEWS Feb 11, 1991
WNHOTKEY.ZIP 12127 06-19-90 WIN 3 : hot key program
WNQVT436.ZIP 127936 07-25-90 Windows 3.0 QVT com program
WNQVT445.ZIP 141271 09-15-90 Telecommunications program for windows
WNQVT450.ZIP 145974 11-17-90 WinQVT v4.50 - This is the latest version!
| VT220 emulation, 5 protocols, & MORE!
WNQVT451.ZIP 146487 11-22-90 WIN 3 : QVT version 4.51
WNQVTNET.ZIP 132662 10-04-90 WIN 3 : Network version of QVT
WNRECIPE.ZIP 64784 04-10-90 WINDOWS receipe database program
WORD_DOT.ZIP 4275 10-27-90 Templates for WinWord - Duplicates styles
| from 5 publishing houses
WPOST11.ZIP 10552 11-25-90 A Post It (tm) program for Windows 3.0
WPRN132.ZIP 65171 09-13-90 WinPrint 1.32 - windows 3.0 text files
WPST20.ZIP 16389 02-13-91 WinPost 2.0 Post-it notes for Win 3.0.
| New features and selectable configuration.
| Put Post-It notes on your screen.
WQVT43.ZIP 98056 06-30-90 A windowsterm program
WR14.ZIP 65130 02-18-91 Winread 1.4 The Windows 3.0 offline mail
| reader. Works with Mark Mail and Qmail
| packets.
WSEND.ZIP 9843 11-13-90 WIN 3 : Send meesages across LAN
WSEND2.ZIP 9843 11-13-90 WIN 3 : End Windows easily
WSHELL10.ZIP 8990 10-13-90 WIN 3 : New Shell for Windows
WSMOOTH.ZIP 37171 10-08-90 WIN 3 : Smooth Text Scroll Program.
WY700B.ZIP 65553 10-23-90 Wyse700/Amdek 1280 drivers
W_HOP.ZIP 4574 07-26-90 A stupid game for windows 3.0, but fun to
W_RODENT.ZIP 10878 08-01-90 WIN 3 : Windows Rodent by Motra Software.
XAIPEI.ZIP 27639 05-17-90 A window program
XL2CRD.ZIP 9668 12-15-90 Convert XL files to CRD files
XLADDIN.ZIP 56973 07-15-90 Add in macros for Excel
XMAS.ZIP 17881 01-06-91 11 xmas songs for ad-lib card
XMASCLB.ZIP 170393 01-19-91 Corel Draw .CLB collection of Christmas
| artwork by Judy robinson
XTILICON.ZIP 15739 07-08-90 More window Icons
XVTDRAW3.ZIP 84652 09-11-90 CAD program for Windows
XWORD1.ZIP 37689 04-07-90 WIN 3 : Crossword Program
YACHT1.ZIP 11735 10-08-90 WIN 3 : Yahtzee for Windows
YINYANG.ZIP 3928 08-25-90 A computerized Ying Yang symbol with
| updated proverb.
YOURWAY.ZIP 174117 07-23-90 WIN 3 : Prisma Systems Yourway Contact
| Manager.
YTZ101R.ZIP 23650 12-14-90 WIN 3 : Triple Yahtzee for Windows
ZGSP11WM.ZIP 898616 03-17-91 Zenographics SuperPrint 1.1 for Windows -
| A working model.
ZIPAPR.ZIP 12166 10-10-90 Daily wallpaper from zip files
ZIPMGR.ZIP 53488 07-30-90 Windows file utility
ZM301.ZIP 88693 11-14-90 WIN 3 : Interface to PKZip and PKunzip
ZMHELP.ZIP 2855 01-22-91 Zip Manager Help from Moon Valley BBS
ZMZIP.ZIP 54192 08-03-90 Windows 3.0 zip manager version 2.01